It is crucial that everyone gets 7 hours of quality sleep to maintain health + age well.  Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain + FROM weight gain, your sleep can become compromised due to your airway.  It is a vicious cycle.

 Do you snore?  Does your partner snore? Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea?  If you have a CPAP do you wear it all night, are you rested when you wake up in the morning?  

AT SCHLAHT + STONE We WILL discuss how to improve this vital aspect of  your health.  WE BELIEVE THAT Functional breathing with your nose is crucial.  We can affect how you sleep with an oral appliance which brings your lower jaw forward + opens your airway when you sleep, reducing or eliminating the vibration in the back of your palate + throat which causes the noise when you snore.  It is important to address why you are not sleeping well AS IN SOME INSTANCES the issue lies with your nasal cavity + sinuses.  

 We can now treat you with laser energy to affect your oral cavity + reduce or eliminate the vibrations with the Fotona Lightwalker laser.  THIS is an exciting new way to treat this prevalent issue.